PROFIL brings together representatives of banks, investment funds, insurance companies, financial industry service providers, private equity professionals, lawyers, chartered accountants, auditors, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, and Clearstream.
While prioritising the interests of their associations and institutions, the members of PROFIL represent the many aspects of the financial centre which has acquired a leading position for cross-border finance in Europe and the world. Its stability and innovative mindset make Luxembourg an ideal European hub for global financial institutions.
PROFIL also acts as a partner to the individuals responsible for the promotion, development and supervision of the financial sector.
In order to promote the development of the financial centre abroad, the Luxembourg Government and PROFIL partnered to create Luxembourg for Finance.
Marc Lauer
Chairman, (Luxembourg Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies)
Jean-Marc Goy
Vice-Chairman (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry)
Yves Stein
Vice-Chairman (The Luxembourg Banker’s Association)
Serge Weyland
Treasurer (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry)
Julie Becker
Member (Luxembourg Stock Exchange)
Laurence Demelenne
Member (Institut des réviseurs d’entreprises)
Alan Dundon
Member (Luxembourg Alternative Administrators Association)
Robert Fischer
Member (Ordre des experts-comptables)
Jerry Grbic
Member (The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association)
Marc Hengen
Member (Luxembourg Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies)
Frank Mausen
Member (Luxembourg Capital Markets Association)
Claus Mansfeldt
Member (Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association)
Jean Schaffner
Member (Luxembourg Bar)
Philippe Seyll
Member (Clearstream International)
Carlo Thelen
Member (Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce)
Guy Hoffmann
Member (Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce)
Lynn Robbroeckx
Secretary General
Francis Hames
Head of Administration
The Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (PROFIL)